Tuesday 25 August 2015

Chore Chart

  I can't believe it's almost September already! It is absolutely incredible how fast time has flown by. This year marks my first year homeschooling both of my children. I have (daily) been looking on Pinterest trying to find ideas on staying organized and motivated. There are so many ideas on there, I just had to find something that wouldn't cost me extra money to make since we are also making a big push on renovations on the house this fall (Oh me and my crazy life). What I ended up finding in my basement was an unused magnetic board and magnets that I had acquired from Ikea some years back. Then I found some electrical tape, acrylic paint, and normal school glue.

  Let the creative process begin!

  I began by using the tape to make different sections on the metal board. Then I used a pencil to roughly write in the names and headings of the columns. I traced the pencil marks with the paint and while it dried I searched online for some clipart.  I printed them off, cut them out, and glued them on the magnets. And voila!

My kids are very excited about the new chore chart. The first day they were so quick to finish their chores. As we go I might change the size of the magnets and add more chores. But for now this works. :) 

Happy organizing!