Monday, 10 December 2012

The beginning of B.u.d.

Of all the things I didn't really think of doing--Blogging. A good friend of mine and the creator of Quick German Recipes mentioned that I really should start blogging all the fun things I create. I've always liked showing off my creations and I love it even more when my friends blog about them. So why not try it out right? 
Now you may be asking yourself..."what kind of things does this lady make?" Well almost anything I'd have to say. But my biggest passion is sewing. Especially ever since I discovered the made-by-rae patterns. One day I stumbled over her site while I was looking for ideas for a toddler backpack for my son. It was such a simple pattern. His first bag turned out so nicely that I decided to make one for my niece as well. Since making those two bags a year ago I have had quite a few orders for custom made bags. I find it so much fun making things for people. Below is a picture of the bags that started it all... 

Until the next post,

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic! I enjoyed every bit so far. Keep it up. <3 etr
